French courses for all levels
We offer a variety of French language courses to suit every need. When selecting the course that is best for you, be sure to consider your timeline, current knowledge of French, and learning preferences. Our courses range from introductory level to advanced, so we have something for everyone. We also offer flexible scheduling and a customized curriculum to fit your busy lifestyle. If you are looking for a French language course that is tailored specifically to your needs, Berlitz is a perfect choice.
French Language Course Options
We offer French language courses at our Silom and Sukhumvit centers in Bangkok, Thailand. Our face-to-face classes include learning with a native French instructor who teaches using the Berlitz Method to encourage natural conversation skills. The classes are designed to help you develop your French language skills quickly and effectively so that you can communicate confidently in French in a variety of everyday situations.
Live online
You can learn French quickly and efficiently from the comfort of your own home. With our online French language lessons, you'll have the opportunity to learn French one-on-one with a qualified instructor who is native to the language. You'll be able to learn at your own pace and choose when and where you have your French lessons, meaning that you can fit learning French around your busy schedule.
140 years of experience with The Berlitz Method
Like many great discoveries, the Berlitz Method came about because of chance, specific circumstances, and a creative mind. While teaching in Providence, Maximilian Berlitz hired Joly, a young Frenchman as his assistant. However, upon Joly’s arrival in the U.S., Berlitz found out that his new assistant did not speak a single word of English.
During this time, Berlitz fell very ill and had no choice but to let Joly take over his teaching duties. Berlitz instructed Joly to use gestures to act out his meaning, encouraging him to use vocabulary in context so his French students could begin to understand the meaning.
After six weeks, Berlitz returned to the classroom expecting his students to be far behind in their language development. Instead, to his surprise, his students were more engaged than ever, communicating in an animated exchange of questions and answers – in perfect French!
Having been forced to learn from a French-only speaker accelerated their learning. As a result, a completely new and highly effective method of teaching was created.
French is the only language besides English spoken on all five continents, and by 2050 it is projected to overtake English as the most widely spoken language in the world. Many companies, both locally and internationally, value employees who can converse in French, and so having a working understanding of the language can boost your career opportunities. If you are a lover of literature or art, then learning French is will help you expand your artistic horizons, with a wealth of works waiting to be discovered.

Benefits of learning French with Berlitz
1. We offer French lessons in different formats: you can study in pairs, in groups, alone, online, through Newrow (a video collaboration platform).
2. Enjoy the flexibility to fill your learning schedule with a mix of in-person French classes and online French lessons
3. Learn at any age! We have French classes specifically for children and teens, as well as adults. We even offer group classes for companies looking to up-skill their employees in French.
4. One of the fastest ways to fluency, our proven Berlitz Method will have you speaking French from day one.