A comprehensive guide to comprehending LGBT Pride Month

A comprehensive guide to comprehending LGBT Pride Month

In the month of June, we commemorate LGBT Pride Month as a time to honour the remarkable advancements achieved by the LGBT community. To assist you in participating in the celebration of LGBT pride, we have compiled a definitive guide to comprehending LGBT concepts, acronyms, and flags, especially useful for events like the first pride march and subsequent pride parades.

Differentiating Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

Exploring Sexual Orientation and its Celebration in Pride Marches: Sexual orientation encompasses an individual's romantic, emotional, and sexual attractions. It includes identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, asexual, or pansexual, all celebrated during LGBTQ+ pride marches.

Understanding Gender Identity: Gender identity refers to an individual's perception of their gender, whether they identify as a man, woman, both, or neither.

Defining Gender Expression: An integral part of understanding LGBTQ+ identities celebrated during pride parades. Gender expression pertains to how an individual outwardly expresses their gender through various aspects such as behaviour, clothing choices, and overall appearance.

Three Fundamental Concepts within the LGBT Community that Require Definition

Biological Sex: Biological sex is determined by genes, hormones, and physical characteristics, such as genitalia. It categorizes individuals as male, female, or intersex at birth.

Sexuality: Sexuality encompasses a range of sexual behaviors, relationships, and intimate experiences. It pertains to the ways individuals express their romantic, emotional, and sexual attractions.

Gender: Gender refers to a set of ideas, beliefs, and social attributions that vary across cultures and historical contexts. It encompasses the concepts of masculinity and femininity, which shape societal expectations and roles.

Decoding the Acronym LGBTTT+

  • Lesbian: Refers to women who experience emotional and sexual attraction exclusively towards other women.
  • Gay: Pertains to men who experience emotional and sexual attraction exclusively towards other men.
  • Bisexual: Describes individuals who experience attraction to both women and men.
  • Transsexual: A term representing a specific experience within the LGBTQ+ community, highlighted during pride marches to foster inclusivity. Denotes individuals who have undergone medical interventions to transition from the sex they were assigned at birth to their identified opposite sex.
  • Transgender: Describes individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth, a key focus during pride marches celebrating LGBTQ+ identities.
  • Transvestite: Refers to individuals who dress and behave in a manner associated with the opposite gender.

Exploring the Inclusive "Plus" in LGBTT+

  • Intersex: Intersex refers to individuals who are born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not align strictly with traditional definitions of male or female, often presenting a combination of both or ambiguous characteristics.
  • Queer: Queer is an English term used by individuals who feel their sexual or gender identity falls outside of conventional norms. It embraces diversity and inclusivity, encompassing those who do not identify with traditional categorizations.
  • Asexual: A valid LGBTQ+ identity highlighted during pride parades. Asexual individuals experience little to no sexual attraction towards others. They may have minimal or absent interest in engaging in sexual activities.
  • Pansexual: An identity within the LGBTQ+ spectrum that is celebrated for its inclusivity, especially during gay pride events. Pansexual individuals are attracted to others regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity. Their attraction transcends these categories.
  • Fluid Gender: Fluid gender refers to individuals whose gender identity is not fixed or static. They may experience shifts or changes in their gender identity over time, existing outside of rigid gender categories.

    Understanding the LGBT+ flag 

    In 1978, artist Gilbert Baker created the first rainbow flag, driven by the desire to provide the LGBTQ+ community with a symbol that encompassed its entirety, marking a significant event that would be celebrated in subsequent pride parades. The flag made its debut in San Francisco that same year. The rainbow flag was intentionally designed with distinct colours, each representing a different aspect, symbolizing the diversity celebrated at pride marches.

    • Red: Symbolizes sexuality and life, key themes celebrated during pride marches and events commemorating the Stonewall riots anniversary on June 28.
    • Orange: Represents health.
    • Yellow: Signifies sunlight.
    • Green: Represents nature.
    • Blue: Represents serenity and art.
    • Purple: Symbolizes the spirit.

    Together, these vibrant colors embody the diverse elements and values within the LGBTQ+ community. The rainbow flag has since become an iconic symbol of pride, inclusivity, and solidarity.


    Why does LGBT+ pride month exist? 

    The primary purpose of LGBT+ Pride Month is to promote the visibility of the community and address the ongoing discrimination they face. It originated from the belief that no individual should feel ashamed of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, a principle celebrated annually since the first pride march.

    The month aims to assert the universal right to express oneself without fear or shame.

    Sexual diversity encompasses the vast range of human experiences and identities. By fostering respect, education, and increased visibility through events like pride marches and parades, we can effectively combat discrimination and honor the legacy of the first pride march and the Stonewall riots. These actions serve as powerful tools in the ongoing fight for equality and acceptance.